JJMIE Volume 19 > Issue 1

Contents of Number 1




Investigation of Heat Transfer and Swirl Flow Between Concentric Cylinders

Mohanad Abdulkhudhur Jasim, Yaser Alaiwi, Zainab Al-Khafaji



Enhancing the Hardness and Wear Resistance of AA5052 by Reinforcing with Alumina and Bauxite Natural Particles            

Sattar Hantosh A. Alfatlawi, Fatma Hentati, Neila Masmoudi Khabou



Techno-economic Evaluation of an Innovative Integrated System for Water and Power Supply in Sudan under Variable Climatic Conditions

Moataz Abdelgadir Ali, Iman El Gheriany, Wael M. El-Maghlany, Mohammed El-Adawy



Optimization of Filling Time and Volumetric Shrinkage Rate in Simulation of Plastic Product Injection Molding Process Using RSM and NSGA-II           

Cong Chi Tran,Van Tuu Nguyen



Assessment of Frugal Innovation in Spare Parts of End-of-Life Vehicles

Abbas Al-Refaie, Laila Daboseh, Natalija Lepkova



Investigation of the Milling Methods Effects on Machining Performance of AA 7075-T6 Aluminum Alloy and Process Parameters Optimization

BayramSercan BAYRAM, Mehmet Okan KABAKÇI, ?hsan KORKUT



The Role of Logistics 4.0 and Industry 4.0 in Promoting Sustainable Operations and Performance

Asif Nawaz Wassan, Muhammad Ahmed Kalwar



Influence of Concentration and Particle Size of Yellow Oil Fly Ash on Thermal and Mechanical Properties of High-Density Polyethylene

Saif S. Irhayyim, Farouk M. Mahdi, Saad R. Ahmed



Experimental Investigation of Inception Cavitation Phenomena Effect in Centrifugal Pumps Using Hydrophone Sensor

Rahma Essam Adjmi, Hashim Abd Hussein, Ali Hussein Nuaman



Unveiling Efficiency: A Comparative Study of 3-Axis and 4-Axis Additive Manufacturing for pHEMA

Y. Kartal , A.U. Metin , M.T. Das



Identify Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of Aluminum Hybrid Nano Composite Prepared by Casting Technique

Khaldun Aldawoudi, Ayad Mohammed Nattah, Nabaa Sattar Radhi, Zainab S. Al-Khafaji, Manar Khaleel Ibrahim



Improvement of Corrosion and Wear Resistance of (Ti12Mo5Ta) Alloy by Germanium Addition Used in Biomedical Applications

Malik Abdul-husien, Haydar H.J Jamal Al Deen, Ahmed O. Al-Roubaiy



Enhancing Corrosion Resistance and Mechanical Strength In Dissimilar Steel Welding Through Controlled Waveform

Ratchagaraja Dhairiyasamy , Deepika Gabiriel



A Five-Point-Scale Group Fuzzy-TOPSIS Contractor Selection Model Considering Minimum Expectations

Hala Sabaneh, Shereen Ababneh, Omar Al-Araidah, Khairedin Abdalla, Nikos D. Lagaros



Influence of friction stir processing on mechanical properties and the microstructure of aluminum-silicon cast alloys

Alaa Mohammed Hussein Wais, Jassim M.Salman Ahmed, Ouda Al-Roubaiy



Analyzing the Effects of Axially Defective Blades on Wind Turbine Performance Optimization Using Taguchi-based Grey Relational Analysis             

Abdulhamid Hamdan Al-Hinai, Karu Clement Varaprasad, V. Vinod Kumar



Solar Salt Doped with Nano Additive Expanded Graphite as a Promising Phase Change Material for Thermal Energy Storage Systems

Priyanka, N Shanmuga priya



Diagnosis of Hydrodynamic Bearings by Evaluation based on Orbital Analysis Approach

Imad El Adraoui , Youssef Jabari , Hassan Gziri
